HelpSpot 4.9.0

Written by Ian Landsman · 02.12.2021


  • Automation rules can now be configured to only run once per request.
  • Automation rules have a limit of 50 runs per request to prevent long term looping.
  • Request history notes now have a hard limit of 1500 items to prevent looping from making a request inaccessible.
  • Most used responses are now cached for faster request loading.
  • Most used responses are now limited to the last 3 months of usage to provide more relevant results.
  • Full text search in filters now has limits to improve performance.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug with automation rules caching a custom field query.
Image of Ian Landsman
Ian Landsman
Ian founded HelpSpot in 2005 with the goal of making every interaction with your customers simple and efficient.
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