HelpSpot 5.4.4

Written by Ian Landsman · 12.14.2023

Breaking Changes

  • HelpSpot 5.3.0 had breaking changes. If you are upgrading from a earlier version please review the 5.3.0 release notes.

Security Fixes

  • This release contains an important security update. All HelpSpot cloud customers have already been updated. If you’re an on-premise customer we recommend you update as soon as possible.


  • Added a new environment variable setting for MAINTENANCE_CRON_INTERVAL that allows for the creation of a custom schedule of daily maintenance tasks. This is mainly helpful in ensuring that intensive maintenance operations are performed off peak hours.
  • New web based TOS agreement page on new installations.
  • Meta data collection now uses more efficient queries on mysql.
  • Changed the limit of full text search results to 2000 requests on mysql.
  • Improved memory usage and performance when loading requests with attachments.

Bug Fixes

  • Fetchmail jobs now have a explicit lock for one hour. After that they timeout and will allow new jobs to be created.
  • Updated library dependencies.
Image of Ian Landsman
Ian Landsman
Ian founded HelpSpot in 2005 with the goal of making every interaction with your customers simple and efficient.
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