HelpSpot 5.4.8

Written by Ian Landsman · 05.13.2024

Breaking Changes

  • HelpSpot 5.3.0 had breaking changes. If you are upgrading from a earlier version please review the 5.3.0 release notes.


  • New audit log feature allows for the logging to staff actions such as settings changes, filter and report creation, staff logins and more. (KB Article).
  • IMAP mailboxes can now specify a custom archive folder in the IMAP mailbox where mail will be moved to after email is imported.
  • Improved the field descriptions for SMTP provider configuration.
  • Added additional email parsing rules to clean and display MSO conditionals when used in emails.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug where email display names with commas in them that are not properly quoted according to the RFC spec would cause HelpSpot to attempt to send to incomplete email addresses.
  • Fixed error where the generated supervisord.conf file for windows installations would not parse properly if spaces were present in the file paths.
Image of Ian Landsman
Ian Landsman
Ian founded HelpSpot in 2005 with the goal of making every interaction with your customers simple and efficient.
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