HelpSpot Audit: 5 Ways To Optimize Your HelpSpot Install

Written by Ian Landsman · 06.26.2024

Have you been using HelpSpot for a while? If so, it might be time for what we call a HelpSpot Audit. A HelpSpot Audit can help you streamline processes, eliminate inefficiencies, and ensure you’re making the most out of HelpSpot.

In this video, we’ll dive into the five major components of the HelpSpot Audit: Filters, Automation, Live Lookup, Responses, and Reports.

HelpSpot Audit Video Overview

Filters: Refining Your View

Filters are a powerful tool in HelpSpot, letting you create customized views of your requests. Here’s how to ensure your filters are working optimally:

  1. Quick Recap: Filters help you segment and view different types of requests easily.
  2. Filter Management: Go to the Admin page and check the ‘Filter Management’ section. Look for no longer-in-use filters and remove them to keep your system clean.
  3. New Filters: Consider creating new filters that utilize date/time math, such as “all new requests that haven’t been responded to in 1 day.”

Automation: Simplify Repetitive Tasks

Automation in HelpSpot can save you a ton of time by handling routine tasks automatically. Here’s what to focus on:

  1. Review Existing Automations: Look at your current Triggers, Automation Rules, and Mail Rules.
    • Triggers: Execute actions instantly when changes occur.
    • Automation Rules: More robust and can run on a set schedule.
    • Mail Rules: Perform actions on incoming emails based on specific criteria.
  2. Optimize: Identify routine tasks that can be automated. Remove any automation rules that are no longer relevant.

Live Lookup: Enhance Your Data Access

If you’re not using Live Lookup yet, you’re missing out. This feature pulls customer information from external systems directly into HelpSpot.

  1. Integrate Systems: Connect HelpSpot with your CRM, HR system, or virtually any other database or system of record.
  2. Manual or Automatic: Choose whether Live Lookup runs manually or automatically based on your needs.
  3. Custom Fields: Use the data fetched to populate custom fields, enhancing the detail and accuracy of your tickets.

Responses: Efficient Communication

Predefined responses in HelpSpot can speed up your communication with customers.

  1. Usage Report: Check the Response Usage report to see if your responses are being used as expected.
  2. Enhance Responses: Update responses to do more than insert text—use them to change categories, statuses, and more.
  3. Placeholders: Use placeholders to automatically insert relevant data into your responses, like customer names or order numbers.

Reports: Data-Driven Insights

Reports give you a clear picture of your help desk performance and customer satisfaction.

  1. Key Reports: Focus on reports like Requests Over Time, First Response Speed, Resolution Speed, and Comparison Matrix.
  2. Save and Schedule: Save your favorite reports and set them up to be emailed regularly to keep stakeholders informed.
  3. Portal Reports: Analyze what your customers are searching for to identify gaps in your documentation and improve your knowledge base.

By regularly auditing your HelpSpot setup, you can ensure your help desk operations are as efficient and effective as possible. Watch the video for a detailed walkthrough of each component and tips on optimizing your HelpSpot system.

Stay tuned for more tips and tutorials from HelpSpot!

Image of Ian Landsman
Ian Landsman
Ian founded HelpSpot in 2005 with the goal of making every interaction with your customers simple and efficient.
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